Original Strength

“How To Find And Press Your Body’s “Reset” Button And Regain Your God-Given Movement And Athleticism, Vigor, And Vitality”

Here’s a simple way to cut through the noise and confusion surrounding today’s fitness buzzwords – “movement, core training, mobility work, and corrective exercise” without breaking the bank on hyper-expensive “certifications,” memorizing endless flowcharts and complicated systems, or studying methods requiring exacting precision.


 Early Bird Discount – Only $297.  Code: Orangejuice

From: Geoff Neupert, CSCS, StrongFirst Master Instructor Colorado Springs, Colorado
Wednesday, Jul 31, 2013


Dear Friend,

Just like you, I want to be in the “best shape” possible. And you may be even more like me if you train people for a living in order to help them do the same. But I have a shocking and stunning confession to make to you.

I’ve been in the fitness industry since 1993 and I have studied my butt off under some of the smartest people in the business – Paul Chek, Gary Gray, Vern Gambetta, Gray Cook, Pavel, and others, and I still to this day cannot reliably predict with 100% certainty how the human body will react to exercise.

In fact no one can.

And if anyone tells you anything close to that then run – RUN the other way with your fist tightly gripping your wallet!

Actually, I’m pretty good with programming for pure strength and fat loss, but “fixing” people by using corrective exercise, ugh, I just suck at it. Sure, I’ve been doing it for over 10 years now, but sometimes I just wonder…

I’m probably just too dumb or my brain’s just too full of junk to make these systems work reliably for me and my clients over the long term.

Sure, I can get some short-term changes, which makes me look really smart to my clients, but long-term, I can’t seem to get the changes to stick. Something else always seems to go wrong. In truth, I probably have forgotten some details in the flow charts, or am not being precise enough with the drills, cues, and exercises.

Well, until recently.

Let me explain…

Back in 2010, a good buddy of mine, Tim Anderson, came over for Easter Lunch and we were discussing our frustrations with some of the exercise systems we were involved in.

I said to him, that I could no longer believe that getting our body’s to perform was as complex as we were being led to believe. I’m not sharpest knife in the drawer, but I’m not that dull…

(For example, Tim was told by the “guru” we were studying under at the time that the reason his hamstrings weren’t “working” was because his sunglasses were putting too much pressure on the joint between his sphenoid and temporal bones and that was shutting down his hamstrings… Don’t know where those bones are? That’s my point.)

There had to be a simpler way. We then discussed a certain exercise used within the system we were studying at the time. It was categorized as a WAEF exercise – “When All Else Fails” – do one of these two exercises.

And then it hit us – if these two things always work for everybody, or almost everybody, why not start the system there?

(I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions…)

Anyway, we (and one of Tim’s good friends – Mike McNiff) started fooling around with this exercise and somehow we got turned on to what we call “developmental sequencing” – the sequencing of the development of the human being from conception to age 3 and some amazing things happened.

Basically we found, that we have everything we ever need already inside uspre-programmed – to get ourselves out of most of our movement restrictions almost instantaneously probably a good 80% of the time or more.

For example, one day we all met at Tim’s studio and were going over this stuff (my wife, Courtney, a Doctor of Physical Therapy was also there lending her expertise) and we were trying to help Mike out.

Mike had been suffering from neck pain and limited range of motion due to multiple concussions and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from his time in the service. He had seen, studied, and worked with some of the best “movement” guys in the world and still had these issues, despite shelling out the big bucks and investing lots of time into studying and applying their systems.

So we were discussing the importance of the neck in relation to human development, reflexes and the body’s alignment and movement.

We had Mike do a simple range of motion test – in fact you’ve probably seen it or done it yourself – stand with your feet together, arms stretched out by your sides and parallel to the floor (so you look like a “T”) and your simply rotate each direction seeing how far you can go.

Well Mike could barely turn his head without locking up his neck. And his body didn’t turn much further before his nagging lower back pain reared its ugly head.

So we had a baseline.

Then we had Mike do 10 reps of this very simple – stupidly simple – neck exercise.

He then performed the same range of motion test and three things happened:

1. He instantly gained full rotation both directions in his neck

2. He was able to turn his body almost equally in both directions

3. And his lower back pain was gone when he rotated

I’m no scientist, nor do I play one on TV, but I have been called an “empiricist” by one of my good friends – I simply observe what occurs and figure out ways to repeat it.

So, that’s what I did. The rest of us established baselines with the same test, performed the neck drill, and all had increased range of motions.

Admittedly, we had a sample size of n=4, but it was a start.

Then something really freaky happened.

I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the FMS – the Functional Movement Screen – but it’s a method to assess and provide a baseline for movement.

Well I had been scored a 6 out of 21 (which is very bad) two months before. I’ve had some “interesting” orthopedic issues to say the least. That same day, we saw the power of the neck exercises, we had been extrapolating and experimenting with some other exercises. So, we’d sit our table, chew the fat, go into the studio, mess around, discover some results, and go back to the table. We were active, but we were far from “warmed up.”

Anyway, my wife, the PT, is also an FMS practitioner. So she ran me through the screen.

That’s when we were all freaked out – I scored an effortless 21 out of 21. All four of our jaws dropped open.

See, if you know anything about the FMS at all, you know that in order to score a 6 or anything remotely that low, it’s cause you have to zero out a couple of the exercises – that is, you get a score of 0 (out of 3) for that exercise due to pain.

That’s when we knew –

We were on to something.

The rest of that day the four us played around with our ideas, much of them based on books that had virtually nothing to do with exercise, but rather behavioral therapy for children.

And we whittled our thoughts down to a few key ideas:

1. We are designed to do certain things very well – walking upright is the primary “thing.”

2. The human body, although very complicated, is relatively simple to operate and maintain especially if you look at how we developed. (We all developed pretty much the same way.)

3. Modern science and the fitness industry, for whatever reason, has over-complicated the care and maintenance of the human body by hyper-focusing on different areas.

4. You actually have the innate ability to fix your own movement restrictions, asymmetries, and compensations on your own – you already know how to, the answers lie within your brain. You just need to “refresh your memory.”

Based on these four key concepts, Tim and Mike went on to write a book called Becoming Bulletproof, that has already started making waves and I believe will revolutionize the health and fitness industries.

How do I know?

Because for the last 3 years I’ve tested out this information on both my private clients and myself; and all of us achieving stunning successes. Better yet, for over a year, my wife, tested it out on her physical therapy patients, again, with amazing results.

What kind of results?

Well I tell you about them in a minute.

Before we get there, you should know why this information is important to you right now.

Because right now, you’re most likely reading this sitting down.

And unfortunately, that’s one of the worst things you could be doing.

Let me explain why…

You were made to move…

But most likely, you don’t.

Not nearly as much as you should, want to, or once did.

If you’re “average” you spend the better part of your day in a chair on your butt, slouched, slumped, and chained to a desk staring at a computer screen. Or something close to it.

Here’s the problem with that:

It’s our hypothesis, which we’ve proven to a certain degree empirically through our four (Tim, Mike, Courtney, and myself) collective businesses, that when you sit all day long, you lose full control of your “primitive reflexes” – the reflexes you developed from the time you were conceived and grew in your mother’s womb until you were about 3 years old.

Now it’s not that you lose them totally – it’s kind of like the “edges” of the reflexes become “blurry” – they’re not a “sharp” or defined as they once were or as they were meant to be.

It’s kind of like you’re a piano that’s out of tune. Sure, you still play music, but you’re slightly “off.”

And being “out of tune” shows up in little things like:

  • Poor posture and forward head carriage (this is actually a BIG thing because most injuries and movement issues arise from this)
  • Low back pain
  • Collapsed arches in your feet
  • Balding (just kidding – wanted to see if you’re paying attention)
  • Loss of attention span / inability to concentrate
  • Some vision problems
  • Loss of balance and coordination and strength
  • And more…

Sure, that’s what most health, fitness, and medical professionals address, BUT...

(With the exception of acute medical issues and injuries, like broken bones, cancer, and other trauma.)

Think about it – you go to see your Chiropractor because your neck feels funny. Or you’re seeing a Physical Therapist because your knee hurts. Or maybe you go see a “movement specialist” because your Chiro or PT can’t seem to help you out only to find that you have some sort of “eye-tracking” problem?

But what are we really dealing with here (assuming you don’t have some sort of trauma like torn cartilage that needs to be addressed medically)?

We’re addressing symptoms of postural problems, which produce movement dysfunctions.

And if you buy our hypothesis, you really have dulled reflexes.

Which means…

Sharpen your reflexes and you’ll correct your postural problems and therefore your movement dysfunctions and restrictions.


That sounds too good to be true!

I can assure you – it’s not.

Here are some of the results we have seen:

  • I finally “fixed” both of my hips, which have multiple labral tears and cartilage damage: I reclaimed my ability to squat and lunge and perform leg movements pain free (Yes, I had some pain free episodes using other systems, but nothing as consistent as this – I don’t even worry about it anymore…)
  • Gained my bodyweight Pistol (Never had it in the first place but could use a counterbalance.)
  • Clients gained range of motion in necks, shoulders, and hips
  • Instantaneous strength increases
  • Increased speed of movement
  • Increased body awareness
  • Increased ability to focus and pay attention
  • Improved athleticism

Due to overwhelming interest from others in learning more about Becoming Bulletproof, Tim and I held a half-day workshop in March 2012 in Virginia and it sold out. We stuffed 15 people in a tiny upstairs room and laid out the “behind-the-scenes” rationale for Becoming Bulletproof.

We were astounded by the results. First, that we ran out of time to teach all the material we wanted and needed to teach, and second, and more importantly, the attendees results.

Umm… That’s not really a Squat…

To start the day we had people test their movement with the Goblet Squat – 2 or 3 reps to get a baseline for future reference. One young lady right in front of me “squatted” except it looked more like a lateral lunge. She took a very wide stance, shifted all her weight to her right and away from her left knee, and did the best she could.

It turned out that she had torn the cartilage in her knee and even had trouble walking some days. Running, lunging, and squatting was right out. But her trainer suggested she come to the workshop anyway to see if any of this could help.

After the very first drill, her stance was narrower, and she was more centered.

And by the last drill of the day, she had a relatively pain-free squat back.

And it was an actual squat – not some weird squat-lateral lunge combo. She had her weight even centered over both feet and you could barely tell that she had a knee issue at all.

I was amazed to be quite honest, and never expected to see anything like that.

On break, this young lady told me it was the best her knee had felt in months, despite all the treatment she had been receiving. (The human body really is amazing when you just remind it what it should be doing…)

Another gentleman, a lifelong runner, easily got into the deepest squat of his life – by his own admission – butt on ankles while improving his posture.

Everyone to a person got stronger over those 4 hours, and by default, improved their mobility/range of motion.


They wanted us to go even deeper.


The Two-Day Learn-By-Doing Original Strength Workshop

Since February 2102, Tim and I have been teaching full one-day workshops around the United States, so we could fill in the gaps and fully answer peoples’ questions about the material in the books, Becoming Bulletproof and Original Strength. (Original Strength is an updated and expanded version of the information we’ve learned in the two years since Becoming Bulletproof was written.)

Of course, you might be thinking:

“If this stuff is so simple, why do I need to come to a one-day workshop?”

The honest answer is – you might not…

Unless of course you find yourself in one or more of these three categories:

  • You’re a hard-charging [ex-] athlete with some dings, nicks, scratches and dents and you want a better understanding of how to eliminate those things without having to remember 365 different mobility drills, flows, or complicated yoga-like sequences.
  • You’ve tried other more complicated “movement systems” only to be frustrated and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of knowledge you have to remember and “precision” you have to apply. Not only that but you’re tired of having to remember flowcharts and algorhythms and the such.
  • You’re a trainer that wants a simple system that’s intuitive to remember for both you and your client that will radically decrease the amount of time you spend on warm-up, movement prep, mobility work, and pre-hab and makes “quality of movement” something that’s automatic instead of something you have to over-think.

If you find yourself in at least one of those three categories than this workshop might be for you.

Keep reading to find out more.

It’s All About Regressions

You’ll recall earlier that the whole premise of Becoming Bulletproof and Original Strength is about sharpening your dulled reflexes – your primitive reflexes – the ones that lay a foundation for you to walk upright, run, jump, and generally enjoy life as a human being. You start to gain these literally from the moment of conception – 3 weeks of life – when your vestibular system starts to form.

Through much trial and error with our clients and ourselves, and from many email conversations with book owners, we found that as powerful as the BB/OS drills were, sometimes they weren’t quite “enough.”

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking – “I thought this was simple.”

It is – hold on – I’ll explain it to you in the less than 30 seconds.

Each one of the BB / OS drills is sufficient for many people. But for many they need to be broken down even further, into smaller bite-sized pieces (regressions) in order to regain the reflexes.

For example, some people have a hard time crawling with their heads up, even after doing the Neck Nods found in Original Strength. Why?

Because they need to develop more head control in a more fundamental position other than on kneeling on all fours.


Because that’s what they did to gain head control in the first place.

So, we created several regressions for that.



Less than 30 seconds.

And we’ve created regressions for each and every drill.

And, look, we’re no geniuses (Ok, Tim is, I’m certainly not…) we didn’t really “create” anything.

We simply observed. And then mimicked.

For the last 24 months I’ve been able to watch my little boy develop – he was born in April of 2011. So I’ve been able to copy what he does on myself and with my clients. (Along with studying human development of course.)

Sure, I’ve had to make some ever-so-subtle modifications, but the results have been that we’ve filled in all the gaps between the resets in Original Strength.

We have regressions for each OS drill – each is an intuitive transition from one drill to the next – a seamless, effortless sequence of drills, all designed to restore your dulled reflexes in order to get you back up and running again – literally. (I can easily run now pain free from doing these simple drills.)

And we’ll show them all to you.

And we promise, they will be easy to remember, and easy to use both on yourself and with your clients if you have any.

Here are just some of the regressions, sequences, and concepts you’ll learn:

  • Breathing – why crocodile breathing is not the best place or position to “learn” how to diaphragmatically breathe and what is
  • Reflexive Core Stability – how babies train their abs and how we can mimic this to ensure we have a truly strong core (And how to make this progressively harder just like a baby does)
  • Rolling Patterns – you may be doing them, but do you know what you need to do BEFORE you do them? My son showed me and I’ll show you.
  • How to overcome the fear of “cervical hyperextension” and why you need to be able to extend your neck, despite what some of the experts are saying. (And why when you learn how to do this correctly you can toss out many of the other drills you need to “fix” your other issues…)
  • What the true “head position” is for “training” and what we’ve forgotten that we did as infants and toddlers…
  • How your head is tied to your core – and how to train your core with this new information…
  • How to instantly fire up your vestibular system from one simple, easy (and lazy) drill for immediate gains in strength and mobility…
  • Learn the importance of head control: Forget thinking about the “long/tall spine” concept – here’s how to achieve it automatically and effortlessly without feeling like an idiot in the process
  • The four different crawling progressions and which one you should actually spend your time doing the most right now for what your body needs…
  • How to “assess” what you or your client need to spend your time on now for immediate improvement (It’s so simple, even I can do it)
  • The best way to “mobilize” your feet and ankles (Hint: don’t forget that your hips need to be involved too.)
  • How to “grease-the-groove” for your Squats and Pistolswithout actually doing Squats or Pistols
  • The importance of Contra-lateral movements for improved coordination, posture, and balance
  • How to do “balance training” – lying down (And why that’s the best place to start)
  • The two BEST resets – period. (These will provide instant relaxation and immediately improve range of motion.)
  • Why isolated joint mobility is a bad idea – symptoms and long-term consequences of “bodybuilding” for joints
  • Why some “integrated” mobility is nothing more than positional static mobility and a giant waste of your time and energy
  • How to do “loaded mobility” work without actually doing “loaded mobility” work – a Zen koan…
  • What to do if you can’t crawl, feel awkward crawling, or crawling hurts
  • And much, much more…

A Simple Solution To Your Mobility And Movement Problems

I’m going to level with you here:

I’ve been using Original Strength for the last three years, and used my clients and myself as guinea pigs. (Of course, Tim has too, along with Mike and Courtney.) We’ve never seen anything else that was as easy to use and produced results as fast as this does.


Because you already know how to do this stuff – you’re not learning anything “new” or unnatural or “hokey.” You’ve already done most of this stuff (and that may be your problem too – you skipped some steps) and you just need a little prodding to help you remember how to do it.

When you do, you’ll re-sharpen your reflexes.

And then most of your issues will disappear. (Of course, if you’ve broken or torn stuff, they will never be 100% again, no matter what any of the gurus or their acolytes try to tell you. But you can be close enough, like I am (finally) with my right knee – the one with the torn patellar cartilage.)

And Tim and I will not only show you, but let you prove it to yourself when you register for the upcoming Learn By Doing Original Strength seminar.


Picture this for a moment

Imagine running, jumping, hopping, skipping, rolling around like you did as a kid, and just plain ol’ having fun. No worries, fears, stiffness, aches or pains.

How would your life feel, or rather how would your life be if you were no longer limited by that achey lower back, your sore shoulder, or your trick knee?

I can tell you it feels great. I’m no longer a guy who tore the connective tissue in both his hips, compressed nerve roots in his lower back that resulted in almost permanent tingling in his left foot, and who couldn’t take a step, let alone squat, lunge, run or jump without right knee pain for 20 years from a dislocated kneecap. No, I’m the guy who at 40 years old is the father of a two-year old, and who was running around the yard last night with my arms outstretched playing “airplane.”

You can recapture that feeling – that being too.

And it’s way easier than you think.

We’ll show you how when you register today for the Learn By Doing Original Strength Workshop.

By the end of the day you’ll be amazed at how good you feel, and how effortlessly you’ll move.

Not only that some of our previous attendees have even alleviated some of their injuries like the OB-GYN doc in Atlanta who jumped up and down in excitement waving her right arm in the air because her right shoulder was now pain free and moving normally again. (Although we’re not medical professionals nor do we claim to help people become pain-free – I’m just reporting the facts here.)


Don’t Take Our Word For It -Here’s What Others Said

“Most Effective System I’ve Used”

“Makes Me Look Like The Smartest Trainer Ever”

“The workshop was amazing!!! It was one “a ha” moment after another… The best was after doing prone nods. The goblet squats I did after those prone nods were the best I’ve ever done. Suddenly, my neck felt like it had before my thyroid cancer surgery – no tightness, no restriction in movement. Just free. Normal. Familiar. It took 15 years, but thanks to y’all and BB, I was able to reclaim a part of me that has been missing for far too long. That’s really the biggest thing for me – reclaiming movement patterns and a sense of myself as the free, happy, healthy person I was before stage 3 thyroid cancer tried to do me in! When I say BB and y’all changed my life, I really truly mean it. I can never repay you both – and Mike – for BB and how it has impacted me in such a wonderful, positive way.
Now, on a business note, BB makes me look like the smartest, most awesomest trainer ever!!! My clients routinely say things like, “It’s amazing that something so simple works so well!” They also report feeling “better”. Michael and I have 2 clients over 65 years old. The husband is really busted up – has broken almost every bone in his body, some more than once. After one set of 10-20 rocks, his deadlift and swings improved tremendously. In fact, he wasn’t allowed to swing until after he rocked that first time. I had a feeling he’d be able to do them  – his swings were scary to put it mildly before that, so no swings for him! I was right – after rocking that little bit, he could actually swing. He and his wife can never seem to remember the other joint mobility stuff we start them out with – but boy howdy, they drop down and rock and crawl before we tell them to do it. That stuff they remember. Weird, huh? lol
I have another client who is 5’2″ and weighs 237lbs. She really struggles to get on the floor and back up again. Pre-BB, I just never put her on the floor for more than mini planks, hip bridges and stretching. Now, she still doesn’t pop up and down, but she sure does move easier from standing to floor to standing up again. She’s also had 3 C-sections, so her abs weren’t all that engaged on a good day. She kept telling me “I’ll never feel my abs again. Just forget it – it will never work.” Well that just chapped my fanny. I knew there had to be a way to get there. One day, after about 3 weeks of rocking and nodding (quadruped and prone) she said, “Oh my gosh! I feel them! I feel my abs working!” YES!!!”

– Karen Rossler, SFG, CK-FMS, Sisu Strength, Washington, DC.


“I Continue To Have Amazing Results With Clients.”

“Some updates for you:
I continue to crush my Olympic lifts like never before.  I have yet to attempt a new PR, but I’m easily hitting previous ones like never before.  I’m faster, more explosive and feel way more confident moving under the bar.  I feel like I have a new body.  The improved reflex stability has really allowed me to express my strength and skill much better.
I’m also oddly happier in life.  I feel younger, if that makes sense.  It’s weird.  I feel less beat up and when I do get beat up, I reset and do some developmental sequence and I instantly feel alive and better.
I continue to have amazing results with clients.  I train this pro rower and he’s the stiffest guy in the world that isn’t stiff.  He just moves like he is.  Taught him sequence and resets today and he was able to do single leg squats and deadlifts with precision and consistency for the first time.
This girl in the area who is a RKC-2 started consulting with me because she wants help with why her lifts feel “disconnected” and she’s losing strength in her press.  She came in for the first time and I did the FMS.  She was a 1 on TSP and a 2-1 on RS.  She had significant delays and reflex/ timing issues in her deep core.  Very strong and very mobile but brain just wasn’t anticipating movement, had no reflex stability and hard styled everything.  I then had her set a baseline with her get up, she says she can only do 20 when she used to do 28 and now the 24 she feels not in control of but can do it.  She was very discouraged.
I taught her the sequence at the level appropriate for her and to make a long story short she did the 24 and 28 with little issue.  She said it had been about a year since.  She literally couldn’t believe and almost cried!  She said her swing was completely connected feeling where she felt disconnected before.  She said she felt like a new person.  Also she pressed the 16x 4 when she was only getting 1-2 before.  Her eyes were in amazement as she pressed it the 3rd and 4th time as she thought going into it there was no way she would get past two cause she hasn’t in over a year.  That was all in the very first session last night!”

– Joe Sansalone, NSCA-CPT, ASCM-CPT, USAW Senior Coach, SFG-II, FMS Staff Instructor, Baltimore, MD.


“Rocked My World.”

“I learned not only can I better tie myself together, I can do the same for my clients and skyrocket their results. Seriously, this workshop rocked my world.”

– Aleks Salkin, SFG, SBS Tel-Aviv, Israel.


“Going To Help A Lot Of People…”

“It was amazing. Don’t change a thing. I’m going to be helping a lot of people with this stuff when I get home.””

– Tristan Phillips, SFG, RKC, Ronkonkoma, New York.


“Worth Every Penny”

“Thank you guys so much for having this workshop. The Trip from Texas was totally worth every penny! ”

– Rich Cygan & Noël Patel, after a 19 hour drive from Texas to Virginia. 


So, you are probably wondering how much this no-BS, no-fluff, no-filler workshop is going to cost you and whether or not it’s going to break the bank. Considering it took almost $50,000 between Mike, Tim, Courtney and myself in certifications, travel expenses, and opportunity costs, and 7 years of sorting, sifting, sweating and testing, I think it’d be fair to price this around $499, minimum. (Heck, that’s what other people are charging for way-more-complicated, way-less-effective systems.)

But we’re not going to do that, because in the same way that Original Strength is simple, we want this to be a simple, easy decision for you.

Here’s our next workshop location:

Orlando, Fl.

August 24 and 25th 2013. 9-6 and 9-1 at Orlandokettlebells.com

5100 Turkey Lake rd. Orlando, Fl. 32819


Sign Up Before August 15th and Receive The Early Bird Discount – Only $297.

Code; Orangejuice


Not only that, but you’ll receive the following:

  • Original Strength Workshop Training Manual – Yes, I know, I keep saying how simple this stuff is, so why should you need a manual? Because you’re mind will be so blown it’ll be hard for you to try to reconcile and throw out all the stuff you know, with what you’re about to learn. Your head will be swimming, and we want to make sure you don’t drown. So you’ll be able to go back and review all that you’ve “re-learned.” (Plus, if you’re a trainer, you can even photocopy it and give the appropriate information to your clients.)
  • 24/7 Email Support From Tim And I – Our time is valuable. We both run full-time businesses outside of our seminars. But we want you to be successful, so you’ll get email support from us. We’ll answer your questions and any concerns you might have. Plus we want to be able to congratulate you on your upcoming success using Original Strength.
  • 1.0 CEUs If You’re A Trainer – You’re a trainer, you need CEUs/CECs. We got ’em for you. Our Two-Day Workshop is good for 1.0 ACE CEUs.

Click here to reserve your spot for Orlando, Fl, August 24 & 25th.

That’s It?

Look, if I have to convince you to come to a workshop that will instantly help you move better, simplify the way you view movement, mobility, pre-hab and warm-ups, you obviously favor something more complicated. And that’s your right.

If however, you’re tired of having to remember algorhythms, flowcharts, and having to do the “perfect rep” (doesn’t exist by the way – that’s one of the big lies…) or focus with such precision that you are creating “unnecessary tension,” then Tim and I will show you how easy and fun and fast resetting your body can be so while others are doing 15-20 minutes of a pre-hab, you will already be doing what it is you want to do – run, lift, swing, whatever.

Click here to reserve your spot for Orlando, Fl, August 24 &25h.

Our Guarantee: We’ll Even Buy You Dinner…

Look, I’m so certain that the information you’ll learn in Original Strength will not only have you slap your forehead and say “D’oh!” like Homer Simpson due to its stunning simplicity, its ease of use, and the results it produces in strength, mobility, balance, and coordination, that if you don’t agree, we’ll gladly refund you the cost of the course. Heck, we’ll even give you $20 to buy your dinner. How’s that for a fair deal?

Click here to reserve your spot for Orlando,Fl, August 24 & 25th.

See you at the workshop!

Geoff Neupert

Geoff Neupert, CSCS, StrongFirst Master Instructor


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How is Original Strength different from other movement systems?

A: Other systems focus on the brain’s neuroplasticity or regaining motor control or fixing movement patterns. The problem is that these concepts or foci are fundamentally and developmentally anchored to a foundation of reflexive stability and strength. Failing to understand and address this foundation leaves these systems floundering for answers, which in turn forces them to create an extensive repertoire of drills, skills, and exercises, which leads to complexity and confusion. We believe in the axiom, “the more moving parts, the easier it is to break.” Therefore, we’ve sought to provide a system that is built on the simplicity of developmental movement – or recapturing your movement by doing the things that helped you gain it in the first place.

Q: If this stuff is so simple, why do I need to come to a workshop, can’t I just read and benefit from the book?

A: Sure, you can read the book and benefit. That’s why we published it. However, as simple as the resets in the book are, we’ve found that many people need more than that – they need the resets broken down into their component regressions to see the massive changes they’re looking for. We know this from experience both training our clients and with the attendees at previous workshops. There’s a good bet you’re no different.

Q: I’m a trainer, how will this help my clients and students?

A: The Original Strength workshop will expand your understanding of the book and show you regressions for each reset that will give your clients and students the ability to “unlock” problem areas and recapture lost movement at a faster pace than just the resets. This means faster results in other areas for them.

Q: How long does it take to see changes and the benefits from the regressions in the workshop?

A: For many, the changes are immediate, as soon as we introduce our very concept and before we get to the first regression. Not only that, but most people see improvements all day long and have a template to take with them.

Q: If this information is so valuable, why aren’t you charging more for it?

A: The truth is, we think it’s too important – too life-transforming – to limit it to those who can “afford it” by putting a massive price tag on it and having to go into credit card debt to access it. We don’t necessarily equate value with a high price, although it certainly can be. In this case we equate value with simplicity, ease of use, speed of implementation, and rate of change. However, if the “price = value” model is what the market dictates in order to get our message out, we reserve the right to increase our prices to attract an audience. That being said, if you want to learn this easy-to-use info that will radically change your life, then I strongly suggest you register now for one of these workshops before they fill up. (They ALWAYS fill up.)

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