Category Archives: Women

Interview with Iron Maiden Karen Smith, SRKC

Ten of some of the  most asked questions by women about Kettlebells

Being a larger Human in the Fitness industry, when women question me
about Kettlebells their first comments are generally “I don’t want to
be as big as you” (Ladies, you don’t have the frame and you won’t
eat the amount of food to get to my size) and it looks Scary. So I
have sent some of the more common questions to Karen Smith,
SRKC, owner of Kettlebell Elite, in Virginia Beach. Karen is a
Mother, Business Owner and the newest Iron Maiden in the RKC. Karen
lifts heavy kettlebells yet still keeps and amazing figure looking Fit
not bulky. Karen is extremely intelligent and motivating. The only
thing that out shines these is her outstanding personality.

So let’s get to Karen’s thoughts on these questions

1: Why have you chosen Kettlebells?
After many years as a personal trainer and a lifetime of being active – I came across Kettlebell’s in 2007 and realized quickly that they would be my fitness tool of choice because they are the MOST EFFICIENT way to change your body. (With proper nutrition of course).

2: How have Kettlebells kept you Fit?
Kettlebells have allowed me to cut my training time from 14 hrs a week to 3 hours a week. And I have continued to get stronger and leaner with far less time spent training. Kettlebells have been the only tool I needed for strength and cardiovascular fitness since 2007.

3: Will lifting Heavy Kettlebells make me look like a man?
Heavy Kettlebell training will not make you look like a man; they will make you look like a FIT Female. 🙂

4: I don’t want to get bulky, how will Kettlebells help.
I have been on a HEAVY strength program for over a year (with NO CARDIO) – training for the IRON MAIDEN challenge and I did NOT get BULKY! I only got stronger and leaner.

5: Are Kettlebells hard to do? Won’t swinging that thing hurt my back?
Kettlebell are not hard to do – they are great for all fitness level and ages. Can the SWING hurt your back? Well not with proper instruction from and RKC instructor. We specialize in Kettlebell skills and training with proper form.
If you try it on your own you could hurt your back, which mostly happens when people think that the swing is done by using your arms to pull the bell up to chest height or higher. The swing is an exercise done with explosive hip drive which in return allows the bell to swing forward and actually float at chest height when done properly.

6: How have kettlebells fit into your personal/ professional life?
Kettlebells have changed my life both personally and professionally. As mentioned earlier – they are my tool of choice. With them being so efficient , I have so much more time to dedicate to my family and my clients. I continue to spread the word and teach my clients that they can have a life and do the things they love and still fit in their much-needed fitness program.

7: How have kettlebells help with your self-esteem/ confidence as a Woman?
I found Kettlebells after having my daughter and they helped my self-esteem and confidence tremendously. I am no different from most females – I had and still from time to time have body image issues. But kettlebells have changed my body, given me a body I am proud of.

8: Do you think you could use just kettlebells and still get fit?
I am just one of many examples in the RKC that kettlebells can be the only tool used. It doesn’t have to be but absolutely can me. I would say kettlebells account for 90% of my training and the other 10% is Body Weight training (pull ups, push ups, hand stands, burpees etc)

9: How long do you have to work out with kettlebells?
My first session with kettlebells was in Nov 2007. In the first 5 weeks (sessions per week) I love 3.5 inches off my waist and 5% in my body fat. I was the average female sitting at 25% BF after having my daughter. To this day 4/25/2012 I still do 3 hours per week and stay about 15% BF.

10: They are so big. Seems like they are just for men?
They are for everyone, I currently have more female clients than males. They are getting strong and see from watching me train that they will not get BULKY!
You get bulky by what you put in your month, not by picking up a heavy bell.

Sounds simple.. Thank you for your insight Karen.