Pre Swing


Set up; Position yourself 1-1.5 feet behind the bell, head neutral,
pack the shoulders. Using the Lats, hike the bell back between the
legs with a purpose to load up the posterior chain (hamstrings,glutes ),
getting the forearms high and tight up in the groan area. As the forearms
leave the inside of the thigh, pop and lock the hips and knees with a hard
exhale, back strike the elbows and punch through to the rack position.

The key part to this movement is loading up the posterior chain, with
the forearms high and tight to the groan area. This puts you in a safe and powerful
position. But, what happens when you start getting real heavy bells and
can’t get to that high and tight position? You may not be able to rack
the weight or if you do you may find yourself dipping under the Bells
to catch them. This is more of an Olympic style catch, which is fine,
but its not Hardstyle and you will leak energy and power.

Enter the Pre-Swing. Hike the bell(s) as normal but swing instead of
clean. With a couple of swings you should be able to move the kettlebells
from a low to high swing, and get to the high and tight position on
the back swing, As soon as you feel you’re in the right position, clean.
If you have stayed in your safe power position with the swings, the
bell(s) should roll right up into the rack.

A simple drill to build the strength of your clean: start with
3-5 heavy swings. Once you feel you’re in the right position, clean the
bells. If you feel yourself trying to dip under the bells, get rid of
them. (This drill is best done outside, since you will be digging
hole.) The idea is to complete the RKC clean, so don’t practice
dipping, only practice the movement at hand. Enjoy!

*** Yes there are some changes in the hand position of the clean that
can get you some more power but here I’m just focusing on getting into
the high and tight position.***

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