Kettlebell “Double Bell” Burn.

Ok so I’m not great with the writing thing but I think I found something that will help. I got a new kettlebell workout program from Geoff Neupert, Master RKC. called “Kettlebell Burn”. So I will work on my writing while taking you through my little adventure..

“Kettlebell Burn” is a COMPLETE 16 week fat loss, strictly kettlebell, workout plan derived from Master RKC Neupert’s years of kettlebell and competitive power lifting experience.

You get everything you need:
1. Supportive Nutrition
2. Resistance Training
3. Metabolic Training
The only thing missing is stress release/ meditation. ( I’ll tell you what I went with later. )

You can get a copy at

OK so my deal.. I’m going Doubles.. This to show that Double Kettlebells are not just for mind blowing brute strength anymore. I’ve got clearance from Mr. Neupert to Guinea pig myself with his program and double bells.
The Program is simple, three days a week 45 minutes each training session. So you have a breakdown of A,B,A,B,A,B, etc..

Session A: TGU’s,
Goblet Squat/ single arm rows
Two hand swings for time..
MINE: Double 16kg no hand shin roll TGUs. ( first time ever trying it but )
Double 32kg front squat
Double 32kg Swings for time ( get the program and you can see the times )
** note** Shin Roll TGU’s followed by Front Squats are not very nice to the adductors.

So I finished up feeling whipped but still alittle froggy from being so amped ( you know that feeling you get from a strong workout ) So I added some bent presses.. 2/2 44kg, 2/2 44kg, 1/1 52kg and jumped, but just missed 1 64kg. These were all with stacked bells, the 32’s moved about half way up and that through me off..

Now my Meditation came from reading Psalms 91 (fear) with 10min. of quiet reflection. ( Tonka even laid down and relaxed )

Now Geoff wants you to do NOTHING else while working this program. But I have been working on the Dave “Irontamer” Whitley, Master RKC’s Women Press. So I need to practice.

You can see the Irontamer in action here, its worth a look.

More to come.