1200 Kcal

1200 Kcals with Kettlebells in an Hour???..

Josh Hillis losestubbornfat.com posted a great article about an ACE (The American Council on Exercise) study done to prove our ( kettlebell enthusiast ) belief that Kettlebells burn the most calories in half the time..

ACE (The American Council on Exercise) Dubbed the “workout watchdog” by The Wall Street Journal in 1997, ACE has established a reputation as a consumer advocate. Since 1995, ACE has enlisted the expertise of top researchers at major universities across the country to conduct studies on fitness products and trends.((ACE website))

The study was held at UW La Crosse with 10 volunteers. Using a Max Ex. test on a treadmill to get a baseline. They moved to the Kettlebell, the Snatch being the exercise of choice. ( Its doesn’t say but we need to guess all the volunteers where proficient in the Snatch before the study. ) Using the

Viking Warrior Conditioning
The Scientific Approach to Forging a Heart of Elastic Steel
By Kenneth Jay Master RKC.. 15/15 protocol for twenty minutes.

You can read the full study here;

They found after 20 min. the aerobic burn (O2 consumption) was 13.6 calories per min. Then adding the anaerobic (Blood Lactate) 6.6 for a grand total of 20.2 calories burned per minute. That’s equal to a 6 min. mile running pace.

Now the kick is this study was not done by any Kettlebell Guru or to sell a program. Just the facts….

Don’t be Offsides

Don’t be offsides

“Hike Pass:” a coaching cue used to initiate the Swing (also used in the Snatch and Clean).

Purpose: to generate enough backwards power to pre-load the hamstrings and hips prior to explosive hip drive.
((Power=Force* Distance/Time))

One thing I see with Victims, and with self proclaimed experts on YouTube, is people standing over the Kettlebell (KB) in more of a deadlift stance prior to the start of a swing, clean, or snatch. Whether it’s high rep sets, timed sets, or the beloved shake and bake, people start creeping forward and standing closer and closer to the bell. Whatever the reason, it’s wrong. When you reduce the distance between you and the kettlebell you reduce the Power you can generate for the Hike Pass. ((Power=Force* DISTANCE/Time)) Since we’re using one football term let’s add another: Offsides. This is a five-yard penalty that occurs when any football player breaks the plane of the football before the snap/hike of the ball. The same can apply to the Swing (Snatch, Clean). If any part of your body breaks the plan of the Kettlebell before the Hike Pass you’re offsides, penalty. To remind yourself not to break the plane of the kettlebell, and in an effort to keep a good distance between you and the kettlebell, think of the immortal words of the Chief “20 pushups; enjoy.”

Set up for the Hike Pass:Get in a comfortable athletic stance BEHIND the Kettlebell (about a foot).

Proper athletic stance:feet shoulder with apart, toes pointed straight forward, knees bent, back straight, head neutral, weight shifted to the heels.

Hike Pass Execution:Grasp the KB with one or two hands, tighten the abs, and Hike Pass the bell between your legs with force, as close to your groin as possible (very similar to a hike/snap in football). Then follow the next steps for the Swing, Snatch or Clean.

Tim Shuman, RKC

10000 Swing Challenge is back

Its time again

The Holidays are here along with loads of temptation. This is a prime time to test your focus. As many of you know getting there is half the battle. Staying there is just as hard.. What works? The basics, Consistency/Time, move it or loose it ( or gain it to be more accurate ). What a great time for the “10000 Swing Challenge.” This should be a good reminder not to blow all your hard work over the past 9 months on candy, cakes, pie, etc..

This challenge is a nice motivator and gives you a light at the end of the tunnel. A good place to reward yourself. Best part is you can swing anytime, am, pm, three times a day or three times a week. You just get it done when you can.

This is how we’ll run our second 10000 Swing Challenge.

Starting November 21, 2009 ending January 2, 2010 ( that works out to 238.1 swings per day ) And yes that does cover three holidays complete with all the parties and nutritional detours.

Everyone who signs in to the Challenge will post there numbers weekly. I’ll then post everyone together so you can see where you stand.

Rules.. just one. SAFETY FIRST, don’t kill yourself just to get numbers. Protect your hands, don’t forget to stretch, no lazy knees, and lead with your hips and hike pass with a purpose.

1 hand swing= 1 swing

two hand swing=1 swing

2 cleans= 1 swing

1 snatch=2 swings

double KB swings= 2 swings

double KB cleans= 1 swing

double KB snatch= 4 swings

Questions let me know.

Good luck.

Get it done Hard Style

10000 Swing Challenge

Ok now we’ve been working and working. We see the results; shape, strength, cardio, and over all well being. So whats missing?

COMPETITION. Its just human nature

While surfing I came across Kerry Kriener-Althen and her Innergrr.blog. Kerry came up with the 10000 Swing Challenge. This challenge is a nice motivator and gives you a light at the end of the tunnel. A good place to reward yourself. Best part is you can swing anytime, am, pm, three times a day or three times a week. You just get it done when you can.

This is how we’ll run our 10000 Swing Challenge.

Starting March 2, 2009 ending April 6, 2009 ( that works out to 238.1 swings per day )

Everyone who signs in to the Challenge will post there numbers weekly. I’ll then post everyone together so you can see where you stand.

Rules.. just one. SAFETY FIRST, don’t kill yourself just to get numbers. Protect your hands, don’t forget to stretch, no lazy knees, and pop and lock like you have a purpose.

1 swing= 1 swing

two hand swings=1 swing

2 cleans= 1 swing

1 snatch=2 swings

double KB swings= 2 swings

double KB cleans= 1 swing

double KB snatch= 4 swings

Questions let me know.

Good luck.

Get it done Hard Style