Original Strength; What can you learn about movement from a baby?

Have you noticed Original Strength (OS) is being mentioned everywhere lately?  You are probably wondering – what is OS?
Original Strength is a series of movements including rocking, rolling, nodding, and crawling.  It uses basic actions that even a baby can do.

These movements are used to:
•       Build a resilient body and improve your quality of life!
•       Improve your energy, focus and performance!

•       Immediately improve your athleticism and strength!

•       Overcome nagging injuries and issues quickly!
•       Rebuild the movement patterns you were born with!

Don’t worry – it is not complicated!  In fact, a baby could do them!  OS incorporates movement patterns you have been doing since you were a baby! OS takes you back to the basic/primal movement patterns we used to start walking. Yes everything a baby does before they can actually walk.
You are probably thinking, “I’m an adult, do I really need to be crawling, rolling around the floor?” Your body was not designed to be hunched over a keyboard all day! “The body is built to Move” (Tim Anderson). So back to the baby movements, OS uses these to reset the body and teach you to reconnect the “X” pattern of the body musculature.
Now you’re most likely wondering, “does it work?”
Long answer, “Yes”.

So, I’m bigger than the average Picnic basket-stealing bear. I like to pick up heavy things, and yet I have a slight issue. I have fusion in L3, 4,5 causing  18% loss of mobility (legally handicapped in 48 states). I find that I lean more towards breathing techniques and quadruped wide knee rocking with head nodding, as my daily GTG.  Neck rolling, upper body rolling, lower body rolling when my back is really giving me trouble. My go to OS Reset between heavy sets is standing cross crawling (SCC). With SCC, I use various speeds depending on the heavy movement, if it’s a fast movement I go with a slow SCC and vice versa. These are great for slowing down and taking a breather between sets.  These simple resets keep my back moving and give me a strong, stable base to pull and press heavy.
But don’t take my word for it. Orlandokettlebells is proud to present Original Strength Orlando, August 24th and 25th. That’s two days with Tim Anderson and Geoff Neupert, the founders of Original Strength, to learn the exact techniques, learn teaching progressions, and most importantly ask the questions you want to know.

Check it out here.



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