Daily Archives: January 23, 2013


If you’re pushing heavy weight for and extended period of time you know this is tough on the body. This is where an unloading phrase should come in to let you recover/rest to keep moving forward.  I am currently on one of these phases, so I’ve switched over to ROTK for a couple of rounds. Those of you who are familiar with Return of the Kettlebell may be wondering how this is an Unloading phase. Good question, I’m using ROTK to Unload my Brain.. Yes my brain. Being a Professional Strength Coach I am programing day in and out. So when it comes to my own weightlifting/movement practice programing is the last thing I want to do. If you’re in the field you know the worst athlete/client you can coach is yourself. ROTK lays it out for you on a silver platter, sets/reps/day/percentages and ever base weight. Simple, direct to the point, all you have to do is Get your mind right and show up. So remember you not only need to unload your muscles but your mind as well.

But this phase of my programing isn’t just for the brain, I am unloading the muscles as well. I’m starting in the middle of the cycle, since I have done this program several times ( if you are in your first couple runs or never have used ROTK I highly recommend you start from the beginning ) . And will be running the cycle that doesn’t use tweenies. My starting Kettlebells will be 40/24kg, which is less weight than I’ve been using but will increase the volume.. Actually looking forward to the ballistic phase of this. It’s curious that Pavel smiles almost chuckles when you mention you’re doing ROTK, He is not called the “Evil Russian” for nothing..